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Metabolic Magic! Discover YOUR Magic Number!

Wanna get serious about weight loss? The pdf below has a very specific formula for you to follow so that you can find YOUR Magic Number of calories for effective weight loss.

Learn more about the Metabolic Eating Plan HERE.

Also - let's. get going on our LIFESTYLE CHALLENGE!! Be sure to get your tribe code and get started now!

Note: once you add a score on and press SAVE, you can't go back to any previous days.

Let's ROCK this challenge. We'll have winners in all kinds of various categories - not just weight loss! So get those habits kicking into gear and let's get healthy from the inside-out!! WootWoot!!

Questions? TEXT me 559-250-0771

P.S.You do not have to be a physical member of X4health to participate in this challenge. Join us!

You've got this!


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