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X4health Fitness & Longevity Center

X4 Health takes the confusion out of living healthy and provides nutritional strategies and a comprehensive fitness conditioning program with a variety of carefully crafted workouts for OPTIMAL HEALTH. You know you're getting the right workout every day so that you can achieve maximal results and live longer, stronger.

Small Consistent Changes in Your Lifestyle can SAVE your LIFE.

  • Are you LOW on ENERGY?

  • Is your HEALTH at RISK?

  • Are you gaining WEIGHT?

  • Do you have trouble SLEEPING at night?

  • Do you wish you could keep up better with your kids or grandkids?

  • Are you taking more and more medications?

  • Is your poor health affecting your SELF-ESTEEM? 

  • Do you wish you could TURN BACK THE CLOCK?

  • Do you HATE going to the gym?

  • Are you confused by all of the crazy conflicting information about the best way to workout?

  • Do you wish that you could find a way to ENJOY EXERCISE?

  • Are you READY to take CONTROL of your HEALTH?

We get it. 
Changing your lifestyle and getting started with exercise can feel intimidating, confusing, and frustrating. 

At X4health, we totally get it.
We've been where you are. 
Wanting the benefits of exercise, but dreading the gym.
So we spent years researching and evaluating every aspect of exercise.

Here's how we fixed it!

  • We BANNED burpees and stopped getting up and down off the ground 

  • We simplified moves so they're easier to follow, yet provide challenge and RESULTS

  • We offer trainer-led, total-fitness, health-enhancing workouts so that you can get ALL the benefits with none of the confusion

  • We keep our workouts short and to-the-point so that you get the most BANG for your time and your buck!

  • We nurture a safe, welcoming, light-hearted, and fun environment where everybody knows your name! 

  • We focus on FORM first to make sure your joints stay safe and you avoid injury

  • We make getting healthy as easy as XYZ when you learn to workout in your "happy" zone (releasing all those "feel-good" hormones!) 

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X4health = Exercise that's ENJOYABLE and EFFECTIVE
You'll come for the workout. You'll keep coming back for the fun and friendships! 
You'll get your health, your confidence, and your energy back in no time when you join X4 Health and start our full-body health-fitness small-group personalized science-based workouts that are easy to follow, yet the perfect amount of challenging so that you can finally get the RESULTS you've been looking for.

We all only get one go.Live your best life by staying active, fit, healthy and energetic!
Sign Me Up!

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Being physically active helps you:
⭐️ feel happier and less depressed;
⭐️ get better sleep;
⭐️ lower your blood sugar and blood pressure;
⭐️ raise your good cholesterol; 
⭐️ lower your bad cholesterol; 

⭐️ avoid or even reverse chronic disease; 
⭐️ reduce body aches and pains; 
⭐️ increase your confidence;
⭐️ increase your strength and stamina;
⭐️ improve cognitive function;
⭐️ enjoy intimacy more;
​⭐️ improve your mood and mental health... 
⭐️⭐️⭐️ SOOOO MUCH MORE!!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️


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Get Healthy & Boost Your Confidence
with Enjoyable, Effective Exercise and a Nutrition Plan
❤️ You'll LOVE ❤️

Science-Based, Results-Driven Strategies for a Longer, Healthier Happier Life

You Can Stop PUNISHING Yourself.
We all wish that there was an easy way to lose weight and stay healthy without having to "punish" ourselves at the gym. 

The problem is that most of us DREAD working out because we've had such awful experiences in the past and we'd rather risk premature death and disease than put ourselves through that torture again. 

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At X4-health we got fed-up with the gyms and trainers that make working out MISERABLE! That's why we developed a TOTAL HEALTH exercise program that's as EFFECTIVE as it is ENJOYABLE! 

X4-Health workouts are designed by an Exercise Physiologist and University Professor with over 30 years of experience in health, fitness and weight loss, and have been tried and tested at Fresno State University with hundreds of workout lovers and haters from 18-year-olds to 80-year-olds. Each specialty workout has received RAVE REVIEWS along with incredible RESULTS across all ages, shapes, and sizes!

Get Started Today!

X4-Health exercise sessions are designed to give you the most effective workout possible in the least amount of time, with exercises that feel comfortable yet yield INCREDIBLE results. Yup. We've done our research!
We infuse every workout with maximum calorie burn and then strategically schedule your week to include the perfect mix of muscular conditioning, core strength, functional fitness, and cardio so that you get everything you need for your total health in ONE PLACE!

I'm Ready to Take Control of My Health 


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Take CONTROL of Your

To reclaim your health, lose weight, and turn back the clock, simply join us for a super-fun body-friendly health-enhancing 45-minute workout that's easy to follow, easy on your joints, and rejuvenating for your spirit! 

There is no time like RIGHT NOW to reclaim your health and take control of your future. You deserve to live your very best, healthiest, most enjoyable life.  

When you get started on our exclusive EXERCISE 4 HEALTH program you'll be amazed not only by your RESULTS, but by how much you look forward to every single workout!

Clean up Your GUNKY BLOOD!
Don't put off your health for another day. Every day that you don't exercise your blood is getting GUNKIER, your scale is getting less friendly, and your risk of diabetes and heart disease is sneaking up on you. 

Take control of your health and your weight and you'll feel younger, lighter on your feet (and your scale), stronger inside and out, and more confident than EVER before. 

Yes - I Want that Confidence!


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JOIN X4-health today: 

  • Get started with our online library of over 100 exercise sessions, or take our exclusive 30-day exercise challenge for FREE! 

  • Join us at 1030 Shaw Ave. in front of Sierra Vista Mall, right behind Golden One Credit Union for a variety of super fun daily workouts.

  • Ready to lose some weight and work on lowering your blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugars? Join our Lifestyle Change Course to discover simple, effective ways to lose weight and get your health under control! 

Train SMARTER, Not Harder!

JOIN X4-Health to TRANSFORM your LIFE!

Exercise doesn't have to be boring or painful to be effective, prevent disease, and provide thousands of health benefits!


Staying fit and active is the only real "fountain of youth!" Exercise is an immunity booster that also helps you lose weight, feel great, prevents disease, increases your energy, and boosts your metabolism AND your CONFIDENCE!!   


Wouldn't you LOVE a solution that



All it takes is consistency and commitment.

We'll take care of the rest! 

(and it won't even HURT!) 

We've spent decades developing a comprehensive training program ...

  • with a focus on getting healthy from the inside-out;

  • with body-friendly exercises that are easy on the joints;

  • that's easy to follow yet delivers amazing results;

  • where you get to be yourself and everyone loves you just the way you ARE; 

  • that makes exercise as ENJOYABLE as it is EFFECTIVE; and

  • helps you feel EMPOWERED instead of frustrated and defeated. 

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Turn back the clock, take control of your health, and

Fitness Instructor


Have you felt confused about the best type of exercise you need to achieve your best health? You need them ALL! 

NOW you can get ALL of them in ONE place! Our specialty workouts are strategically organized to provide the perfect weekly schedule for optimal health. All you have to do is SHOW UP and your certified trainer will be with you every step of the way! 

With X4health, you'll get HEALTHY from the inside-out with strategically & scientifically crafted exercise sessions designed for the REST OF US to bring out the BEST IN US!

With X4health you'll ENJOY...

  • Increased ENERGY;

  • A More Toned and Healthy BODY;

  • Stronger Immune System; 

  • More Confidence;

  • Looking and Feeling 20 Years Younger!

  • Making New Friends who Accept YOU for YOU;

  • ALL the GAINS with NONE of the PAIN!

Personalized Training without the Personal Training Price!

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Sign Up Today and Get Ready for a Life-Changing Adventure!
Leave the Confusion and Misery Behind and Start Loving Your Workouts!

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NEW!! 50-50 Club and Weight Warrior FitClubs!

What is an X4health Fit-Club? Better than a bootcamp, our X4health Fit-Clubs take you beyond your everyday workouts and into an exciting fitness adventure!

Our Health-Fitness Specialists are trained and certified to take you on a health-focused, safe and effective, fun and friendly, no-burpee, body-positive, inspirational and motivational expedition to tackle your biggest mountains. 

Every month we'll measure your progress, provide nutrition tips and challenges, help you with weight loss if that's your goal, train you to get stronger both mind and body, and brace you up so you can MOVE your MOUNTAIN with every single workout.

When you're serious about changing your life and living not only longer - but BETTER, and you need a little extra motivation and accountability with a supportive group and trainer, X4health's FIT-CAMP is the adventure for YOU.

Turn Your Health Around!
Sign Up NOW to Reserve YOUR Spot on this Marvelous Life-Changing Adventure! Each camp is limited to the first 20 sign-ups. Don't put off your health for another day. 

Membership Plans

Listen to what our members are saying about X4health...

X4health: Exercise for HEALTH 

Train Smarter,
not Harder. 

Get started today on your new exciting exercise experience!
We're transforming the W
AY we train - so that you can LOVE your workouts, LOVE your life, and LOVE YOURSELF ❤️

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Fun Fitness with FUN PEOPLE!


Real People. Real Results.

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